For my fifth assignment (single flower arrangement) I chose zinnias as they are such a lovely and sturdy late summer flower. Hot pink petals were a fun change from all the earthy tones I have been using lately. The center was quite a challenge as it is a composite flower, and I had to use magnifying lens to observe the detail. The creamy tones on back side of the petals provided a nice contrast. The unopened buds provide a bit of a flower cycle. I received 9.6/10.
This was my 4th assignment for the Diploma in Botanical Illustration from Society of Botanical Artists in London. I spent 7 weeks sketching, photographing and drawing this selection of native flowers of the Pacific Northwest. From the top left: yellow stream violet, thimbleberry, oxalis, Pacific bleeding heart, chocolate lily, mountain larkspur, Nootka rose, Skunk Cabbage, Douglas iris and Indian Paintbrush. Yellow stream violet, thimbleberry, oxalis, Pacific bleeding heart and Skunk cabbage came from my yard. Others I sketched and photographed at Saddle Mountain, Oregon. The placement of all flowers was challenging as well as incorporating a variety of colors, while maintaining harmony. I received 9.6/10 for this assignment. Yay! Onto the next assignment!
Dorota Haber-LehighEducator, artist, forager Archives
January 2024
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