Please email if you have questions regarding classes: [email protected]
ONLINE: Intro to Watercolor for Botanical Artists Oregon Society of Artists
Foundational watercolor class covering papers, pigments, mixing, washes, techniques, color matching, etc.
Starting March 23- April 13, 4 weeks and drop ins
TIME: Sundays, 2:00- 4:30 pm
Register at
ONLINE: Botanical Sketchbook at North Carolina Botanical Garden
Part of Botanical Illustration Certificate at NCBG, you can take this class without being in the program-
foundational botanical sketching in graphite, colored pencils, ink and watercolor
April 5, 12, 26 and May 4, 4 week session
Time: 10:15- 1:45 pm, Pacific Time
Register at
ONLINE: Birds in Colored Pencils at Oregon Society of Artists
Sketching and drawing birds in cp, all levels
Starting April 20- June 1, 6 week course and drop ins,
TIME: Sundays, 2:00- 4:30 pm
Register at
IN PERSON: Botanical color and detail with watercolor and colored pencils
Oregon Society of Artists, Portland, OR
Depicting botanicals using watercolor underpainting and colored pencils for detail- all levels
May 23-25, 2025 - 3 day in person workshop
Time: 9:30 am- 4:00 pm
Register at
IN PERSON: Maritime Treasures at Sitka Center for Art and Ecology, Lincoln City, OR
Drawing shells, driftwood, rocks and other marine objects with colored pencils- all levels
August 13-15
Time: 10 am - 4:00 pm
Registeration soon at
Student's feedback:
"You were so kind to provide feedback and encourage all of us to keep playing and experimenting, regardless of our skill level.
You also made the class a “safe” place to ask questions, share our work and participate in the course. I especially enjoyed watching you sketching. I personally wanted to thank you for your time and generosity of spirit!"- H.S.
"Thank you very much for your teaching and advice this year. Your passion and inspiration has really reawakened my enthusiasm for drawing with colored pencils!"-L.G.
"I really enjoyed your zoom class on butterflies and moths. I thought your pacing, instruction and breaks were perfect. Also everyone had incredible results." M.A.
"Thank you for this fascinating class! You have a great way of describing things to convey the intricacies of the form and colors. Also you inspire freedom and creativity which is great! - C.H.
"I have so enjoyed your class. Your knowledge, ability to engage your participants with zoom and your overall organization of your content is noteworthy." - E.H.
"Thank you Dorota! Being able to access courses & artwork such as your own has been such a breath of fresh air & reminder of nature’s-(and human) resilience in the face of turmoil. Thank you for the gift you share with so many." M.Z.
"I really loved the class Dorota. Your teaching style is supportive, methodical, and you share so much of your work, ideas and processes." - L.L
"Mostly, Dorota, I really appreciate your love of nature and pointing out the details. Since taking classes from you I've gained new insights and new eyes really. Hikes take longer now that I'm stopping to notice and then notice some more. Your demonstrations are fantastic and I"m amazed at how your illustrations come to life as we watch." K.B
"The entire experience was lovely--useful information, great technical instruction, positive energy--a fabulous creative experience! Dorota is a truly a gifted teacher, as well as amazing artist" -K.P.
"Dorota has the best attitude: bright, encouraging and fun" - M.C.
"Excellent artist who possesses expertise how to instruct. Great learning experience." -G.C
"Your tips on sketching have been so helpful to me. I have been practicing sketching everyday and come away feeling relaxed and pleased with the results."-N.T.
"I thoroughly enjoyed the class. A lovely mix of instruction with relaxing time to draw." -C.O.
Classes and Workshops taught in the past:
Bellevue Botanical- Fall in Ink and Watercolor, 2024 (online)
Beyond Botanical Sketchbook - Sitka Center for Art and Ecology, 2024 (in person)
Coastal expressions (landscapes) - Sitka Center for Art and Ecology, 2024 (in person)
Botanical Spring in watercolor and colored pencils- Oregon Society of Artists, 2024 (online)
Pen and ink and watercolor - Oregon Society of Artists, 2023-2024 (spring and fall) (online)
Botanical Sketchbook- North Carolina Botanical Garden, 2023-2024 (spring and fall) (online)
Botanical Winter in Graphite- Oregon Society of Artists 2023, 2024 (online)
Botanical Autumn in CP - Oregon Society of Artists (online)
Intermediate Expressive Colored Pencils- North Carolina Botanical Garden 2023-2024 (spring, fall) (online)
Traversing Trees- Sitka center for Art and Ecology, OR (in person)
Botanical Bouquets- Menucha Retreat Center, OR, 2023 (in person)
Spring Botanical Treasures - Oregon Society of Artists, 2023, (online)
Drawing Spring Flowers- Bellevue Botanical Garden, 2023 (online)
Fall Botanical wonders - Oregon Society of Artists, Portland, OR 2022 (online)
Fall leaves, seedpods and gourds- Bellevue Botanical Garden, WA, 2022
Pumpkins and Gourds- San Francisco Botanical Garden, CA, 2022 (online)
Fall Foliage and Seedpods - Oregon Society of Artists, Portland, 2022
Drawing Late summer flowers - San Francisco Botanical Garden, 2022 (online)
Sitka Spruce and Friends - Sitka Center for Art and Ecology, Lincoln City, OR 2022
Drawing butterflies and moths- San Fransisco Botanical Garden, 2022 (online)
Maritime Treasures-- Hoffman Center for the Arts, Manzanita, OR, 2022 (online)
Drawing Butterflies and Moths- Oregon Botanical Artists, 2022 (online)
Spring Botanical Sketching, - Siskiyou Field Institute, 2022 (online)
Celestial Textures, Drawing feathers - Hoffman Center for the Arts, Manzanita, OR, 2022
Winter Botanical Wonders- Oregon Society of Artists, Portland, OR, 2022 (online)
Terrestrial Textures, Drawing lichen - Hoffman Center for the Arts, Manzanita, OR, 2022 (online)
Evergreen Winter Botanicals- Bellevue Botanical Garden, Bellevue, WA, 2022 (online)
Fall Botanical Exploration- Oregon Society of Artists, Portland, OR 2021 (in-person)
Forest to Sea-Sitka Center for Arts and Ecology, Lincoln City, OR, 2021 (in-person)
Botanicals and Pollinators, Oregon Society of Artists, Portland, OR, 2021 (online)
Year of Botanicals workshops: Winter branches, Early Blooms, Bees, Bumblebees and Butterflies, Spring Blooms, Fabulous Foliage, Summer Sketchbook, Summer Fruit, Fall Foliage, Fall Seedpods and pumpkins, Festive winter arrangements - Hoffman Center for the Arts, Manzanita, OR, 2021 (online)
Spring Botanical Exploration- Oregon Society of Artists, Portland, OR, 2021 (online)
Summer Art Camp, Cannon Beach Art Association, OR 2021 (online)
Spring Foliage and Blooms, Siskiyou Field Institute, Selma, OR, 2021 (online)
Forest to Sea: Botanicals, Butterflies and Items from the Sea, Winslow Art Center, Bainbridge Island, WA, 2021 (online)
Forest Fragments: Winter Botanical Drawing - Winslow Art Center, Bainbridge Island, 2021 (online)
Seaside Library Workshops: Pencil meets Pinecone (online), Drawing birds, Leaf Structures, Flowers, Spring Botanicals, Christmas Cards, Old World Botanical Drawing on Walnut Ink Paper, Mother's Day Cards; Build your own journal, Drawing Skulls, Drawing Seashells, Butterflies, Seaside Library, 2014-2021
Multnomah County Libraries: Sketching and Journaling Plants, Botanical drawing on walnut ink, Bird drawing, Butterfly drawing, Native plants drawing, Spring Botanicals, Fall Botanicals, Portland, OR- 2017-2019, 2021
Native Trees: Sketchbook Approach- Hoffman Center for the Arts, Manzanita, OR, 2020
Drawing and Learning about Native Plants- West Slope Library, Portland, 2020
Drawing Birds at Columbia River Maritime Museum, 2020
Native Berries and Woodland Fruit- Bellevue Botanical Garden, WA 2019
Puffin Portraits - Cannon Beach Arts Association, 2019
Forest Fragments - Sitka Center for Art and Ecology, 2018, 2019
Natural Science Illustration, Barbey Center, Columbia River Maritime Museum, Astoria, OR, 2015-2019
Butterflies and Botanicals: Sketchbook approach, Columbia River Maritime Museum, Astoria, OR 2019
Exploring textures in colored pencils, (Butterflies, Birds, Botanicals and Natural Objects), Hoffman Center, Manzanita, OR, 2019
Botanical Drawing (4 workshops)- Hoffman Center, Manzanita, 2018
Ethnobotanical Sketchbook - Sitka Center for Art and Ecology, 2017
Fall Botanical Drawing, Columbia River Maritime Museum, Barbey Center, 2015 - 2019
Drawing Wildflowers, Drawing Fungi - Tillamook Forest Center, OR 2016
Art of Ethnobotany, Seaside High School, 2015, 2016
Fall Botanical Drawing - Clatsop Community College, 2014, 2015
Botanical Drawing, Sitka Center for Art and Ecology, OR 2015
Botanical Art at the Garden, Hoffman Center, 2015, 2016
Botanical Drawing of Native Plants, Columbia River Maritime Museum, 2015, 2016, 2017
Winter Botanical Drawing, Trail's End Art Association in Gearhart, 2015
Nature Journaling at Circle Creek, 2015, 2017
Lecture: "Native Berries", Cannon Beach Historical Museum, OR, 2014
Lecture: "Art, Anecdotes and Advocacy", Fort Clatsop, Lewis and Clark National Park, OR, 2014
Art Camp: Drawing from Nature, Art World Adventure, Coloring Haystack Rock, Cannon Beach Art Association, 2015-2017
ONLINE: Intro to Watercolor for Botanical Artists Oregon Society of Artists
Foundational watercolor class covering papers, pigments, mixing, washes, techniques, color matching, etc.
Starting March 23- April 13, 4 weeks and drop ins
TIME: Sundays, 2:00- 4:30 pm
Register at
ONLINE: Botanical Sketchbook at North Carolina Botanical Garden
Part of Botanical Illustration Certificate at NCBG, you can take this class without being in the program-
foundational botanical sketching in graphite, colored pencils, ink and watercolor
April 5, 12, 26 and May 4, 4 week session
Time: 10:15- 1:45 pm, Pacific Time
Register at
ONLINE: Birds in Colored Pencils at Oregon Society of Artists
Sketching and drawing birds in cp, all levels
Starting April 20- June 1, 6 week course and drop ins,
TIME: Sundays, 2:00- 4:30 pm
Register at
IN PERSON: Botanical color and detail with watercolor and colored pencils
Oregon Society of Artists, Portland, OR
Depicting botanicals using watercolor underpainting and colored pencils for detail- all levels
May 23-25, 2025 - 3 day in person workshop
Time: 9:30 am- 4:00 pm
Register at
IN PERSON: Maritime Treasures at Sitka Center for Art and Ecology, Lincoln City, OR
Drawing shells, driftwood, rocks and other marine objects with colored pencils- all levels
August 13-15
Time: 10 am - 4:00 pm
Registeration soon at
Student's feedback:
"You were so kind to provide feedback and encourage all of us to keep playing and experimenting, regardless of our skill level.
You also made the class a “safe” place to ask questions, share our work and participate in the course. I especially enjoyed watching you sketching. I personally wanted to thank you for your time and generosity of spirit!"- H.S.
"Thank you very much for your teaching and advice this year. Your passion and inspiration has really reawakened my enthusiasm for drawing with colored pencils!"-L.G.
"I really enjoyed your zoom class on butterflies and moths. I thought your pacing, instruction and breaks were perfect. Also everyone had incredible results." M.A.
"Thank you for this fascinating class! You have a great way of describing things to convey the intricacies of the form and colors. Also you inspire freedom and creativity which is great! - C.H.
"I have so enjoyed your class. Your knowledge, ability to engage your participants with zoom and your overall organization of your content is noteworthy." - E.H.
"Thank you Dorota! Being able to access courses & artwork such as your own has been such a breath of fresh air & reminder of nature’s-(and human) resilience in the face of turmoil. Thank you for the gift you share with so many." M.Z.
"I really loved the class Dorota. Your teaching style is supportive, methodical, and you share so much of your work, ideas and processes." - L.L
"Mostly, Dorota, I really appreciate your love of nature and pointing out the details. Since taking classes from you I've gained new insights and new eyes really. Hikes take longer now that I'm stopping to notice and then notice some more. Your demonstrations are fantastic and I"m amazed at how your illustrations come to life as we watch." K.B
"The entire experience was lovely--useful information, great technical instruction, positive energy--a fabulous creative experience! Dorota is a truly a gifted teacher, as well as amazing artist" -K.P.
"Dorota has the best attitude: bright, encouraging and fun" - M.C.
"Excellent artist who possesses expertise how to instruct. Great learning experience." -G.C
"Your tips on sketching have been so helpful to me. I have been practicing sketching everyday and come away feeling relaxed and pleased with the results."-N.T.
"I thoroughly enjoyed the class. A lovely mix of instruction with relaxing time to draw." -C.O.
Classes and Workshops taught in the past:
Bellevue Botanical- Fall in Ink and Watercolor, 2024 (online)
Beyond Botanical Sketchbook - Sitka Center for Art and Ecology, 2024 (in person)
Coastal expressions (landscapes) - Sitka Center for Art and Ecology, 2024 (in person)
Botanical Spring in watercolor and colored pencils- Oregon Society of Artists, 2024 (online)
Pen and ink and watercolor - Oregon Society of Artists, 2023-2024 (spring and fall) (online)
Botanical Sketchbook- North Carolina Botanical Garden, 2023-2024 (spring and fall) (online)
Botanical Winter in Graphite- Oregon Society of Artists 2023, 2024 (online)
Botanical Autumn in CP - Oregon Society of Artists (online)
Intermediate Expressive Colored Pencils- North Carolina Botanical Garden 2023-2024 (spring, fall) (online)
Traversing Trees- Sitka center for Art and Ecology, OR (in person)
Botanical Bouquets- Menucha Retreat Center, OR, 2023 (in person)
Spring Botanical Treasures - Oregon Society of Artists, 2023, (online)
Drawing Spring Flowers- Bellevue Botanical Garden, 2023 (online)
Fall Botanical wonders - Oregon Society of Artists, Portland, OR 2022 (online)
Fall leaves, seedpods and gourds- Bellevue Botanical Garden, WA, 2022
Pumpkins and Gourds- San Francisco Botanical Garden, CA, 2022 (online)
Fall Foliage and Seedpods - Oregon Society of Artists, Portland, 2022
Drawing Late summer flowers - San Francisco Botanical Garden, 2022 (online)
Sitka Spruce and Friends - Sitka Center for Art and Ecology, Lincoln City, OR 2022
Drawing butterflies and moths- San Fransisco Botanical Garden, 2022 (online)
Maritime Treasures-- Hoffman Center for the Arts, Manzanita, OR, 2022 (online)
Drawing Butterflies and Moths- Oregon Botanical Artists, 2022 (online)
Spring Botanical Sketching, - Siskiyou Field Institute, 2022 (online)
Celestial Textures, Drawing feathers - Hoffman Center for the Arts, Manzanita, OR, 2022
Winter Botanical Wonders- Oregon Society of Artists, Portland, OR, 2022 (online)
Terrestrial Textures, Drawing lichen - Hoffman Center for the Arts, Manzanita, OR, 2022 (online)
Evergreen Winter Botanicals- Bellevue Botanical Garden, Bellevue, WA, 2022 (online)
Fall Botanical Exploration- Oregon Society of Artists, Portland, OR 2021 (in-person)
Forest to Sea-Sitka Center for Arts and Ecology, Lincoln City, OR, 2021 (in-person)
Botanicals and Pollinators, Oregon Society of Artists, Portland, OR, 2021 (online)
Year of Botanicals workshops: Winter branches, Early Blooms, Bees, Bumblebees and Butterflies, Spring Blooms, Fabulous Foliage, Summer Sketchbook, Summer Fruit, Fall Foliage, Fall Seedpods and pumpkins, Festive winter arrangements - Hoffman Center for the Arts, Manzanita, OR, 2021 (online)
Spring Botanical Exploration- Oregon Society of Artists, Portland, OR, 2021 (online)
Summer Art Camp, Cannon Beach Art Association, OR 2021 (online)
Spring Foliage and Blooms, Siskiyou Field Institute, Selma, OR, 2021 (online)
Forest to Sea: Botanicals, Butterflies and Items from the Sea, Winslow Art Center, Bainbridge Island, WA, 2021 (online)
Forest Fragments: Winter Botanical Drawing - Winslow Art Center, Bainbridge Island, 2021 (online)
Seaside Library Workshops: Pencil meets Pinecone (online), Drawing birds, Leaf Structures, Flowers, Spring Botanicals, Christmas Cards, Old World Botanical Drawing on Walnut Ink Paper, Mother's Day Cards; Build your own journal, Drawing Skulls, Drawing Seashells, Butterflies, Seaside Library, 2014-2021
Multnomah County Libraries: Sketching and Journaling Plants, Botanical drawing on walnut ink, Bird drawing, Butterfly drawing, Native plants drawing, Spring Botanicals, Fall Botanicals, Portland, OR- 2017-2019, 2021
Native Trees: Sketchbook Approach- Hoffman Center for the Arts, Manzanita, OR, 2020
Drawing and Learning about Native Plants- West Slope Library, Portland, 2020
Drawing Birds at Columbia River Maritime Museum, 2020
Native Berries and Woodland Fruit- Bellevue Botanical Garden, WA 2019
Puffin Portraits - Cannon Beach Arts Association, 2019
Forest Fragments - Sitka Center for Art and Ecology, 2018, 2019
Natural Science Illustration, Barbey Center, Columbia River Maritime Museum, Astoria, OR, 2015-2019
Butterflies and Botanicals: Sketchbook approach, Columbia River Maritime Museum, Astoria, OR 2019
Exploring textures in colored pencils, (Butterflies, Birds, Botanicals and Natural Objects), Hoffman Center, Manzanita, OR, 2019
Botanical Drawing (4 workshops)- Hoffman Center, Manzanita, 2018
Ethnobotanical Sketchbook - Sitka Center for Art and Ecology, 2017
Fall Botanical Drawing, Columbia River Maritime Museum, Barbey Center, 2015 - 2019
Drawing Wildflowers, Drawing Fungi - Tillamook Forest Center, OR 2016
Art of Ethnobotany, Seaside High School, 2015, 2016
Fall Botanical Drawing - Clatsop Community College, 2014, 2015
Botanical Drawing, Sitka Center for Art and Ecology, OR 2015
Botanical Art at the Garden, Hoffman Center, 2015, 2016
Botanical Drawing of Native Plants, Columbia River Maritime Museum, 2015, 2016, 2017
Winter Botanical Drawing, Trail's End Art Association in Gearhart, 2015
Nature Journaling at Circle Creek, 2015, 2017
Lecture: "Native Berries", Cannon Beach Historical Museum, OR, 2014
Lecture: "Art, Anecdotes and Advocacy", Fort Clatsop, Lewis and Clark National Park, OR, 2014
Art Camp: Drawing from Nature, Art World Adventure, Coloring Haystack Rock, Cannon Beach Art Association, 2015-2017